Restaurant & Attraction hours may vary

Map data: Google
FROM NORTH: I-79 South
Follow 279 South towards Pittsburgh and follow signs and cross both the Fort Duquesne and the Fort Pitt Bridge. On the Fort Pitt Bridge, be in the right lane and take Exit 5C - Route 837, West Carson Street before the tunnel. Turn right at the first traffic light into Station Square's Entrance A on to Station Square Drive. All destinations at Station Square, including parking, will be straight ahead.
FROM EAST: PA Turnpike
Exit the turnpike at Pittsburgh Interchange (#6 Monroeville). Follow I-376 West to the Grant Street Exit. Make a left turn from Grant Street onto Fort Pitt Blvd. Then, turn left onto the Smithfield Street Bridge. At the end of the bridge make a right turn into Station Square.
FROM SOUTH: Route 51
From Route 51 North exit at Route 579 North (Liberty Tunnel). Proceed in the right lane through the tunnel and make a right turn immediately as you exit the tunnel at the light. Make a left at the end of the ramp onto Arlington Avenue. At the bottom of the hill, merge left onto Carson Street and follow the signs to Station Square.
Take I-70 to I-79 North. Follow I-79 North until you reach 376 East towards Pittsburgh. Then follow the directions from the airport and points west.
FROM WEST: Airport
Follow 376 East toward Pittsburgh. Right before the Fort Pitt Tunnel, take Exit 5C - West End Route 51 North. Stay in the right lane and bear right onto 837 West Carson Street. Station Square will be on your left hand side at the third traffic light.
Station Square Management | PHONE (412) 261-2811 | LOCATION Landmarks Building
Station Square Security | PHONE (412) 996-6111 | LOCATION Commerce Court
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